Eating Jengkol and Petai, Is there Impact on Health?
Jakarta, Mbak, my husband likes food that smells like jengkol and petai. How healthy Mbak if often eat jengkol same petai? If most of what really can affect the kidneys? Also cause the urine is cloudy white? In order to pee is not too smelly, is it true that we have to eat vitamin B? There are no side effects Mbak, eat jengkol and followed by taking vitamin B? Ayu (Female, 30 years) Answer Hi Mba Ayu, If jengkol is proven to make turbid water and make kidney stones small and irritate the kidneys. Vitamin B is water soluble vitamin, usually yellow color so usually if after taking vitamin B supplements, urine will be bright yellow. Well, jengkol seed itself also contains many B vitamins so that the effects of djenkolic acid is not too visible. So if you really like to eat jengkol, can be added to drink vitamin B complex.Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster of Nutrition and Dietetics (Expert Nutrition) from the University of Sydney. With special interest in diet program for oncology, cardiology, diabetes, gastrointestinal and life modification program diets. Family Nutrition Clinician Follow twitter @Leona_victoria. (Hrn / vit)
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